There Can Be No Justice So Long as Laws Are Absolute

Real Earth article
(written from a Production bespeak of view)

When Wesley Crusher is condemned to die on an idyllic, archaic planet, Captain Picard must face up breaking the Prime number Directive to relieve the male child's life.


  • one Summary
    • Teaser
    • 1.2 Act One
    • 1.3 Act 2
    • ane.4 Human activity Three
    • 1.5 Act Iv
    • 1.6 Act Five
    • one.7 Log entry
  • ii Memorable quotes
  • 3 Groundwork data
    • 3.1 Production history
    • 3.2 Story and script
    • 3.3 Production
    • 3.4 Cast and characters
    • 3.5 Sets and props
    • 3.half dozen Continuity
    • three.7 Reception
    • 3.viii Video and DVD releases
  • iv Links and references
    • 4.1 Starring
    • 4.2 Also starring
    • 4.three Invitee stars
    • 4.4 Co-stars
    • 4.five Uncredited co-stars
    • 4.6 Stunt doubles
    • iv.vii Stand-ins
    • 4.8 References
    • 4.9 External links



"Helm'due south log, Stardate After delivering a party of Earth colonists to the Strnad solar system we have discovered another class M planet in the bordering Rubicun star organisation. We are now in orbit there having determined it to be inhabited likewise every bit unusually lovely. My first officer has taken an away team down to brand contact and they are in the procedure of returning to the ship."

Invited to come along

Upon his return back from the surface, Commander Riker tells everyone on the bridge with corking enthusiasm about the planet; he explains that the planet'due south inhabitants, the Edo, are almost identical to Humans, and that it is a class Chiliad planet, beautiful and stunning. Doctor Crusher suggests shore leave for anybody, stating that nothing is improve than fresh air and open spaces. Lieutenant Natasha Yar states that the inhabitants' laws and customs are pretty straightforward and zilch out of the ordinary. What is special about them, however, says Geordi La Forge, is their great amore for others… and the fact that the Edo make love at the drop of a chapeau. "Any hat," Yar adds.

The doctor's proffer of shore leave is approved but only for a small-scale grouping at first. Among them is Wesley Crusher, whom the captain personally designates as the one to evaluate this planet as a place for young people to relax. If their scans and observations support the study from the abroad team, then shore leave for the entire crew volition be approved, says Captain Picard. He just hopes the planet information technology is not besides good to be true.

Before they beam down, however, Commander Information continues to receive a faulty reading in the sensors, indicating there is something in orbit, despite the fact that nothing appears on the viewscreen.

Human action 1

"Captain's log, supplemental. We are in orbit of a planet designated Rubicun III, the home of a lifeform who call themselves the Edo. Our away team, including Wesley Crusher, has beamed downward to make some arrangements concerning some well-earned recreation."

"Nice planet."

Commander Riker, Lieutenant Yar, Lieutenant Worf, Wesley, and Counselor Deanna Troi beam downwards to the surface where they are passionately greeted and welcomed. 2 of the planet'south inhabitants, Rivan and Liator, introduce themselves by hugging everyone in turn. Worf compliments them on their planet and uncomfortably accepts the hugs and affections. Wesley isn't sure how to take them and how to react. Overall, these aliens are warm, empathetic, and seem to have thought of everything. Suiting to their fit and joyous lifestyle, people do not walk anywhere, but run and jog along. They wish everyone wellness and happiness, fifty-fifty passers-past as they run to the counsel sleeping accommodation. When they go far, three children take Wesley to play right away, while the adults enter the chamber to find more of a massage parlor, where people are playing games, dancing, exercising, receiving massages, hugging, and kissing.

Meanwhile, aboard the USS Enterprise-D, Information has completed his analysis. None of the internal systems are at error; the reading, though mysterious, is accurate. It appears to be some sort of shadow, like something that is "neither in nor out of their dimension". When the main viewer is non showing anything out there, Data hails the empty space, requesting that it identify itself. All of a sudden, a strange object fully appears and the transport enters automatic red alarm.

Human action Ii

The sensor readings do non brand any sense, and the response to their manual is difficult to decode. When La Forge looks out of the window with his VISOR, he experiences the same confusion; it is as if whatever he is seeing is non really there. Information, still, is finally able to brand out something, stating that the message they are receiving translates equally something like "stand up by". Then, a small, transparent, ball-similar object exits the big one, and passes right through the Enterprise's hull, moving through corridors and bulkheads.

Communicating with Information

The shimmering ball of light makes its style to the bridge, and so rocks the unabridged ship as it speaks. Captain Picard speaks with it, explaining, between shakes, who he is, and that he is on a mission of peaceful exploration. Information technology so demands to know why they take come to visit. Picard explains that they have sent down an away team to make peaceful contact and that he does not program on leaving lifeforms there. It asks nigh the colony they merely planted and Picard explains terraforming, and that they would only do it for uninhabited worlds. It gives a alert non to interfere with its "children" below (on the planet) and so tries to communicate with Data, it seems telepathically. Data says "I do not understand how simply it is asking me if I was constructed for information exchange." Picard encourages him to continue with information technology and the object then communicates straight with Data, who falls unconscious.

Down on the planet, Worf is extremely uncomfortable with the advances of the women, fugitive them every bit much as he can. He is non much concerned with pleasance, according to himself, as he is a warrior. Plus, he is convinced that these women couldn't handle his Klingon mating habits. When Riker fails to contact Enterprise with his combadge, he gets nervous and orders everyone together, including Wesley, just in instance. Troi doesn't believe it is anything these people have washed, since they are much besides open and friendly. Even so, Riker has Troi head exterior with him to look for Wesley.

"…and just who tells visitors virtually these rules?!"

Yar, who is only fascinated by the Edo, is talking with Rivan and Liator most their laws every bit Worf approaches to cursory her on the situation. They explain to her that in that location is no criminal offense in their world and that no one breaks the laws. A long time ago, there was much disorder, but no longer. They explicate that they have no constabulary or law enforcement merely instead take so-called Mediators who select but ane area each solar day for a certain catamenia of fourth dimension: the punishment zone. It is a completely random option, no person ever knows when or where a zone volition be and so no one risks death.

The Edo explain to Worf and Yar, who are both very disturbed by this news, that at that place is just ane penalty for any law-breaking: death. While information technology sounds drastic, the Edo consider information technology very wise and a ground for their lasting peace. After all, since no i would want to risk execution, no 1 breaks the rules. Hearing this, the two officers are immediately alarmed and head off to discover Wesley quickly, who they realize knows zero nigh these rules.

Deed 3

"I'm really sad!"

While Wesley is playing ball with the others, he jumps for information technology in midair, crashing into a pocket-size greenhouse construction by a brusque white bar, disturbing the new plants inside. The mediators then make it. The Edo youth attempt to cover for him, pleading that he is merely a visitor and did non know he was committing an infraction, but the mediators are adamant and insist on applying the police force equally to everyone to avoid chaos, crime, and disobedience. It pains them deeply what they have to practice, merely given the circumstances and existing canon of laws, they have no other option. As one of them raises a syringe to inject Wesley, Worf and Yar describe their phasers and Riker knocks him down to the ground. The mediators are taken ashamed by this, non knowing why they are non immune to simply execute the male child. They are disappointed in the Enterprise crew, stating that they idea they came equally friends. Riker tries to contact the Enterprise simply there is still no response.

On the send, the chimera finishes its information exchange with Data and disappears, leaving him unconscious. At the same time, communication is restored. Later on being informed of the state of affairs, Captain Picard beams downwardly to the planet.

Act Four

Picard tries to salvage Wesley

Picard arrives in the council sleeping accommodation, and the dialogue begins. They regret that their system of justice is troubling him. Liator explains that Wesley is existence held, awaiting the execution of his judgement at sundown, and they stand past their system of justice. They explicate that the repose in their lives has been made possible by their laws, for they are a people of law. Picard makes the argument that when Earth executed criminals, they idea for the longest fourth dimension that it was necessary to do so until they learned to observe the seeds of criminal behavior; death sentence is, therefore, no longer considered a justifiable deterrent.

Liato feels that Picard is suggesting some kind of a superiority. He suggests that the Enterprise just apply their superior powers to rescue the boy, stating that they would only tape him equally a convicted criminal out of their reach, an avant-garde person who luckily escaped the barbarism of their "backward little globe". But Picard tells them that he wants to accolade and respect the Edo's rules and police force, referencing the Prime Directive.

The crew hears Wesley's fate

He takes the time, since the Edo guarantee Wesley will not be harmed, to inquire about the vessel in orbit. The Edo recognize it as their god, who is said to be somewhere "up there"; a protector who is far higher up them, both hither and in another identify, with slap-up powers. Doctor Crusher calls in, and says Data wishes to speak with him urgently. Not wanting to involve all of the Edo, and not sure if he accepts their clarification of god, he beams himself, Advisor Troi, and a frightened Rivan upwardly to the Enterprise.

Rivan cowers in fright before her God

On the style to a room with a window, Rivan is amazed at "the metropolis" in the heaven, and is surprised that with all this ability, they practise not just take Wesley. When she sees the object in orbit, she kneels and bows down before it immediately, confirming that yes, it is god. Rivan seems to be extremely frightened by the object. Deanna coaxes her to explain that she can identify it considering it has appeared earlier. Suddenly, it so thunders for Picard to "return its child," and begins moving closer. Hurriedly, Picard attaches his combadge to Rivan and has her beamed back to the planet's surface, and the object moves off over again.

In sickbay, Picard then talks to Data well-nigh his feel. When Information regains consciousness he explains to Picard everything that was communicated to him. Data says that it's non one entity (it is many) and they know that the Edo worship them every bit a god matter and feel that said worship is "quite expected and harmless at the present Edo phase of evolution." Data also states that the "god" aliens are inter-dimensional beings and thus can be in several places at in one case, and due to this the "Edo Gods" consider this unabridged star cluster to be theirs. He then points out the obvious that it was unwise to place a Man colony in this star cluster and then rambles on most potential colonization until Picard stops him and says "Data! Don't blubbering. Please organize it into cursory answers to my questions."

They go along to talk until Data "volunteers" the data that the Edo God aliens may exist observing them now as they know everything Data knows (including the Prime number Directive) and may be watching to run across what the Enterprise will do adjacent. Finally, Picard asks how the Edo God aliens would react if they were to violate the Prime Directive and Data answers that they would consider the Enterprise coiffure to be "deceitful and untrustworthy" and after reminds Picard that the Edo God aliens warned them to non to interfere with their children below. Dr. Crusher begins to cry and Information starts to babble on about "the emotion of motherhood" when he is abruptly cutting off by Crusher telling him to "Close up!" Information technology is at this moment that Data realizes that he does, in fact, blubbering.

Human action V

"Captain'south Log, Stardate 41255.9. Whatever the object or vessel in orbit with us, it hangs there like a nemesis. Information technology is i thing to communicate with something mysterious but it is quite another to exist silently observed by it. I am concerned whether it understands the aforementioned concept of reason that we do."

"Would you choose one life over one thousand, sir?"

Picard sends for Information to ask more questions, as he attempts to endeavor and put together what he knows into some sort of conclusion. Picard asks Information to aid him with this decision and Data asks in response "What level of communication, sir?" Picard smiles and says "Whatsoever. My apologies for maxim that you babbled. You lot see things in a way we do not just as they truly are."

Picard is torn between following the letter of the law, and the noesis that the Prime number Directive never intended to cover a circumstance like this. Information states just that it is the object he should be worrying about. They know of the Prime Directive, but how it will exist viewed is the question. How would they react to taking Wesley, especially with regard to that warning? While pondering these questions, Picard asks if breaking the Prime Directive and saving Wesley's life volition potentially endanger the entire Enterprise and the 1,000 people who live on the ship. Data answers his question with "Would you choose i life over i,000, sir?" and Picard responds sternly that he "refuses to permit arithmetic decide questions like that."

Data believes that they did exist before in our dimension, but now are taking advantage of their nowadays abilities. Perchance they did share a value organization like that of the Federation and existed in some flesh and blood form previously. Picard asks why would such an advanced species feel obliged to protect the Edo. Data theorizes that the Edo are a child race they accept chosen to protect just as the Federation puts down colonies and protects them.

When Dr. Crusher arrives, Picard lets her beam down with him, and announces his decision: under no circumstances volition he let the Edo to execute Wesley, regardless of the price. Picard merely states that he volition ensure Wesley will not be executed, but in a manner everyone volition agree upon. The mediators do non like information technology, proverb he cannot empathize what they were like before. Picard knows what they went through and their laws were in the spirit of justice for them, which does non mean existence executed for such a pocket-size offense. Risking the wrath of God – and the Federation when he returns – he gives the social club to beam up. Null happens.

"When has justice ever been as simple every bit a rulebook?"

When the Edo are vindicated, Picard so shouts to the ceiling that "there tin can be no justice so long equally laws are absolute." He elaborates that such laws as these – without degrees of punishment, and with such severe consequences – cannot be just. He argues that rules should also take exceptions, and that rules with no exceptions can never be merely. The transporter works.

When they render to the ship, Picard hails the object to inform them they are leaving, and that the colony will be removed at its bespeak. It dematerializes, which is enough for Picard. With Wesley'southward life saved, the Enterprise departs.

Log entry

  • Captain's log, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

Memorable quotes

"Nice planet."

- Worf

"Let'due south promise it is not likewise good to exist true."

- Picard, on Rubicun Iii

"They make love at the drop of a lid."
"Whatever hat."

- Geordi La Forge and Tasha Yar, on the Edo

"Rivan, perhaps they can't run."
"Can't run?! Of course we can run! Right, Commander?"

- Liator and Wesley Crusher, to Riker

"They certainly are... fit."
"They certainly are."

- Riker and Troi, on the Edo

"When in Rome, eh?"
"When in where, sir?"

- Riker and Worf


- Edo God

"This may be nothing, but let'southward move all our people together."
"Including Wesley, the boy?"

- Riker and Worf

" RETURN MY Child. "

- Edo God

"We'd better discover Wesley."

- Worf, when Liator and Rivan explain the nature of their laws

"Sharing an orbit with God is no small experience."

- Troi, to Picard about Rivan on existence on the Enterprise

"I desire to do something too! With you lot."
"Uh... what?"
"Something you can teach me. Volition you?"
"Well, really, there are some games I... uh, don't quite know yet..."
"It'due south playing ball. Volition you teach me?"

- the Edo girl and Wesley

"It was probably unwise of united states to endeavour to place a Man colony in this expanse. Of course, there are iii yard four other planets in this star cluster in which we could have colonized. The largest – and closest –"
"Data! Don't babble."
"Babble, sir? I'g not enlightened that I ever "babble", sir. It may exist that from time to fourth dimension I have considerable information to communicate, and you may question the way in which I organize information technology –"
"Please – organize it into brief answers to my questions. We accept very little time. Practise they... accept our presence at their planet?"
"Undecided, sir."
"Information... delight... feel free to volunteer any important information."

- Data and Jean-Luc Picard

"The Edo want to execute my son. I will not allow that to happen, Jean-Luc."
"Virtually interesting, sir. The emotion of motherhood is, compared to all others felt by Hu.."
"Close UP!"
"You were right, sir. I practise tend to blubbering."

- Beverly Crusher and Data

"I'm with Starfleet; we don't lie."

- Wesley Crusher

"You're not involved in this decision, boy!"

- Picard, to Wesley Crusher

"There can be no justice and then long as laws are accented. Even life itself is an exercise in exceptions."
"When has justice ever been as simple equally a rulebook?"

- Picard and Riker

"Seems the Edo Lord agrees with you lot, Number one."

- Picard to Riker upon leaving Edo

Background information

Production history

A camera report for "Justice"

  • John D.F. Black's original story outline: 5 January 1987 (Creating the Next Generation)
  • John D.F. Black's second typhoon story treatment: 17 February 1987 (Creating the Next Generation)
  • Worley Thorne's kickoff draft story outline: sixteen March 1987 (Creating the Adjacent Generation)
  • 2nd Worley Thorne story outline: half dozen Apr 1987 (Creating the Next Generation)
  • Beginning draft script: 29 July 1987 (Creating the Next Generation)
  • Final typhoon script: 27 August 1987
  • Offset revised final draft script: 3 September 1987
  • Second revised final draft script: 4 September 1987 [1]
  • Filmed: eight September 1987 – 16 September 1987
  • Premiere airdate: nine November 1987
  • UK premiere (BBC2): 28 November 1990 (aired out of society)

Story and script

  • This was the get-go script to exist commissioned for the serial later the airplane pilot episode "Meet at Farpoint" (and so known every bit "Meeting at Farpoint") was written. Due to the extensive rewrites that the story went through however, it ended up being the eighth episode to be filmed. (Creating the Side by side Generation)
  • Writer John D.F. Black used his pseudonym "Ralph Willis" in the credits, because the televised episode bears little resemblance to his original outset draft script. In Black'south treatment, the colony of Llarof installed punishment zones to fight anarchy; nonetheless, the zones are now enforced to bide the law, but for only those who are accounted not immune to them. An Enterprise-D security baby-sit, Officeholder Tenson, protecting two children while on shore exit, happens upon a law-breaking scene, and is shot dead by the policeman Siwel, who is too killed by his partner Oitap on the spot, for misinterpreting his duty. In his first typhoon, Picard decides not to help the rebels led by Reneg who fight against this system of council member Trebor. Finally, it turns out the rebels install a similarly totalitarian government when they proceeds ability. In the second draft, the rebel leader, called Reneg is put on trial and executed for treason. Picard muses on the topic of people having their right to decide their own justice without interference. (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion (1st ed., p. twoscore); Creating the Next Generation, p.44-45)


  • This episode was the showtime to feature location shots since the holodeck scene in "Encounter at Farpoint". The Edo exteriors were filmed at the Tillman Water Reclamation Plant in north Los Angeles, and the section with Wesley'south autumn at the Huntington Library in Pasadena. (Star Expedition: The Next Generation Companion (1st ed., p. 40); Star Trek Encyclopedia (second ed., p. 422)) The Tillman Plant was used to represent Starfleet Academy and Starfleet Headquarters in later Star Trek episodes.
  • The Tillman plant was right nether the flight path of Van Nuys municipal airport, which meant that airplanes were constantly flying over the head of the actors, and the entire scenes filmed there had to be re-dubbed in post production. [2]
  • Some filming for this episode likewise took place on Paramount Phase half-dozen. That sound stage was used near the end of the installment's production schedule. (Starlog, result 126, p. 46)

Cast and characters

  • Josh Clark, who later went on to play Joe Carey in Star Trek: Voyager, appears hither as an unnamed tactical officer. Given the fourth dimension frames of TNG and VOY, it is possible that this unnamed officer is Carey, assuming a later transfer to Engineering partition and departure from the Enterprise-D prior to 2371.
  • This episode marks the offset appearance of recurring season one groundwork actor Steve Reed who was hired at his local gym for this episode.
  • Guest role player Richard Lavin too appeared in the 2nd flavor episode "Loud As A Whisper".

Sets and props

  • The Edo God model was later reused as Lysian Central Command in TNG: "Conundrum".
  • The statue seen in the corridor outside the starboard lounge was previously seen in Deanna Troi'south quarters in the episode "The Naked Now".
  • The guitar-similar instrument used past ane of the Edo bears a striking resemblance to Adam's guitar seen in the Star Trek: The Original Series third season episode "The Way to Eden". Some other similar musical instrument appeared afterwards in the start season episode "When The Bough Breaks".


  • This marks the first of iv times the Captain shows a native female person her domicile planet from orbit. This happens over again with Nuria in "Who Watches The Watchers", Mirasta Yale in "Get-go Contact" and Lily in Star Trek: Commencement Contact . This arroyo clearly has meaning to the Helm as he tells Anij in Star Trek: Insurrection , seeing his dwelling planet from infinite for the commencement time was a moment where time stood even so.
  • It also marks the outset fourth dimension the Captain is believed to be a god past a native inhabitant of a pre-warp civilization. The only other time is Nuria from "Who Watches The Watchers".
  • The Prime Directive is violated past Captain Picard past interfering in the Edo's judicial arrangement. This was referenced past Lieutenant Commander Dexter Remmick later in season one in "Coming of Age".
  • Additionally, pre-warp civilizations are usually off-limits, nevertheless Picard states in the opening that they discovered the planet Edo only just now. It is never explained on what footing they are permitted to contact the planet to begin with. Later episodes such as "Who Watches The Watchers" and "Start Contact" explain the prohibition on contact with primitive civilizations unequivocally.
  • Riker tells Worf "When in Rome..." while they are running with Rivan and Liator on Rubicun III. Nine years afterwards, Julian Bashir says the aforementioned thing to Worf during their trip to Risa in DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin...". Jonathan Archer also said this to T'Politician (who also did non understand the reference) while hosting a Tellarite delegation on Enterprise NX-01 210 years earlier in ENT: "Babel One".
  • This episode bears a resemblance to TOS: "The Apple" in that both involve a starship coming into contact with an Eden-like planet under the direction of a godlike motorcar.
  • This is the first time that Data takes the helm when Picard and Riker are away.


  • A mission report for this episode by Patrick Daniel O'Neill was published in The Official Star Trek: The Adjacent Generation Magazine issue iv, pp. five-8.

Video and DVD releases

  • Original U.k. VHS release (two-episode tapes, CIC Video): Volume 4, catalog number VHR 2395, 6 August 1990
  • U.k. re-release (three-episode tapes, Paramount Home Entertainment): Volume ane.3, catalog number VHR 4644, i June 1998
  • Every bit part of the TNG Flavour 1 DVD collection
  • As office of the TNG Season 1 Blu-ray collection

Links and references


  • Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • Jonathan Frakes equally Commander William T. Riker

Likewise starring

  • LeVar Burton as Lt. Geordi La Forge
  • Denise Crosby as Lt. Tasha Yar
  • Michael Dorn every bit Lt. Worf
  • Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher
  • Marina Sirtis equally Advisor Deanna Troi
  • Brent Spiner as Lt. Commander Data
  • Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher

Guest stars

  • Brenda Bakke as Rivan
  • Jay Louden as Liator


  • Josh Clark every bit Conn
  • David Q. Combs as 1st Mediator
  • Richard Lavin every bit 2nd Mediator
  • Judith Jones as Edo Girl
  • Eric Matthew as 1st Edo Male child
  • Brad Zerbst as Medical Technician
  • David Micahael Graves equally 2nd Edo Male child

Uncredited co-stars

  • James G. Becker as Youngblood
  • Darrell Burris as operations sectionalisation officeholder
  • Steve Casavant as Edo
  • Steven Craig equally Edo
  • Jeffrey Deacon as control segmentation officer
  • Susan Duchow as operations division officer
  • Nora Leonhardt every bit scientific discipline division ensign
  • Tim McCormack as Bennett
  • Lorine Mendell as Diana Giddings
  • Steve Reed equally Edo
  • Tricia Sheldon as Edo
  • Brian Sterling equally Edo
  • Unknown performers as
    • Edo God (vox)
    • Edo massage girl
    • Edo player
    • Edo runner
    • Edo woman
    • Female person medical officeholder
    • Female person scientific discipline division crewmember
    • Female science partition officer
    • Female science partitioning officer
    • Four command partition crewmembers
    • Four operations partitioning crewmembers
    • Science division officer
    • Science division officer
    • Ten Edo
    • Transporter chief (vocalisation)
    • Two Edo musicians

Stunt doubles

  • Unknown stunt performers as
    • Stunt double for Brent Spiner
    • Stunt double for Richard Lavin
    • Stunt double for Wil Wheaton


  • James G. Becker – stand-in for Jonathan Frakes
  • Darrell Burris – stand-in for LeVar Burton
  • Dexter Clay – stand up-in for Michael Dorn
  • Jeffrey Deacon – stand-in for Patrick Stewart
  • Susan Duchow – stand up-in for Denise Crosby
  • Nora Leonhardt – stand-in for Marina Sirtis
  • Tim McCormack – stand up-in for Brent Spiner
  • Lorine Mendell – stand-in for Gates McFadden
  • Guy Vardaman – stand up-in for Wil Wheaton


admission; age; air; "all right"; alarm relay; ancestor; answer; area; arithmetic; "as if"; "every bit per"; "at least"; "at this moment"; away squad; away team written report; ball; barbarism; bat; bow; branch; bridge; span; "by comparison"; captain'south log; children; choice; city; grade M; CMO; colonist; "come in"; "come on"; mutual sense; concept; consciousness; contact; Council Chambers; animate being; offense; criminal; criminal beliefs; curiosity; custom; dance; danger; twenty-four hour period; death; capital punishment (capital letter punishment or execution); defence; deflector; desktop monitor; dimension; disorder; Earth; Earth-like; Eden; Edo; Edo God; efficiency; Emergency Manual Override station; emotion; enforcement; ensign; error; evolution; being; feel; Federation; fence; "flesh and claret"; fountain; friend; friendship; "from time to time"; game; garden; "go ahead"; god-like; god thing; grass; guilt; guitar; hailing frequency; happiness; impairment; harp; lid; health; hello; holodeck; home; hostage; 60 minutes; Human; idea; ignorance; "in accord"; "in a moment"; "in a way"; "in effect"; data; data substitution; intruder alarm; intruder relay; joy; justice; kiss; Klingon; linguistic communication excursion; law; lifeform (life); lifestyle; listening; location; logic circuit; lounge; love; principal phaser bank; principal viewer; "make love"; malfunction; massage; Mediator; medical tricorder; Milky Style Galaxy; mind; minute; motherhood; music; necklace; nemesis; "no doubt"; nudity; number one; object; obligation; ascertainment; "of grade"; "one moment, please"; orbit; order; "out of breath": painting; patient; peace; permission; person; place; plant; planet; playing; pleasance; precept; poison; police; pride; Prime Directive (Non-interference directive); probe; trouble; hope; penalization; punishment zone; question; ready room; reason; recreation; red alert; relationship; result; Rhea; Rome; Rubicun Iii; Rubicun star system; rule; rulebook; running; sadness; Saturn; scan; scanning device; sensor; sensor channel; sensor glitch; sensor technician; sex; shadow; shield; shore leave; "short and sweet"; sickbay; indicate; "sit downwardly"; sky; society; spectral assay; "stand by"; starboard; stardate; Starfleet; statue; stellar cluster; stick; stranger; Strnad colony; Strnad solar system; Strnad solar arrangement planet; sundown; supply vessel; syringe; talk; "the good life"; thing; idea; thousand; tranquility; transgression; manual; transporter room; tricorder; truth; turbolift; blazon I phaser; unnamed plants; value; viewscreen; visit; company; VISOR; wall; warrior; "what the hell"; "when in Rome"; white; window; wisdom; witness; give-and-take; worship

External links

  • "Justice" at, the official Star Trek website
  • "Justice" at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • "Justice" at Wikipedia
  • "Justice" at the Internet Picture show Database
  • "Justice" at, a Roddenberry Star Expedition podcast


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